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 Undergraduate Scholarships

The following is some general information about awards and some description of awards specifically mentioning Mathematics or potentially for Mathematics students. Please note that the amount of the awards vary yearly depending on endowment returns and related issues. The amounts were current for the Fall of 2018. New award for 2019 is the Adrian Francis MULLIGAN Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics. Of course there are many University wide programs such as TREK and the Wesbrook/Premier Undergraduate Scholarships, the latter requiring applications. The UBC website may be helpful

  • Entrance Scholarships: We have entrance awards for excellent Mathematics students. These are for incoming students (from Secondary School). The entrance scholarships will be awarded based on strength in Mathematics such as measured through significant participation in our UBC Math Circle or through Math Contests. No application is required for these.
  • In progress scholarships: There are a generous number of scholarships the Math department hands out each year to students based on criteria stated in the award. The students must have scholarship eligibility (which includes 75% average and no failed courses). In general, no application is necessary and the department chooses the winners. In one case, the John Collison award, potentially eligible students are emailed to see if they have any additional information which addresses criteria in the award. Another award, a so called `affiliation award', is available to members of the Knights of Pythias. If the student is eligible, they should apply. Mathematics and Applied Science students have preference for this award. There is no distinction between B.A. and B.Sc. students if we are considering Mathematics students.
  • Entrance Scholarships: We have entrance awards for excellent Mathematics students. These are for incoming students (from Secondary School). The entrance scholarships will be awarded based on strength in Mathematics such as measured through significant participation in our UBC Math Circle or through Math Contests. No application is required for these.
  • Bursaries: These are awards based on financial need. Students must submit an general application to demonstrate financial need for bursaries. There are formulas that UBC uses and an attempt is made by UBC to meet bursary needs. There is one Bursary fund (Sherwood) targeted to Mathematics students and also Land and Food Systems students.
  • Graduation Awards: This special class of scholarships are handed out at Graduation time. No application needed (or accepted).
  • Other Awards: There are of course many other awards that may be suitable for Mathematics students. We list one below of particular interest.

Entrance Scholarships

  • 04661 Entrance Scholarship in MATHEMATICS
    Through the generosity of a UBC Mathematics alumnus, scholarships totalling $15,000 are offered to students with exceptional ability and interest in Mathematics who are entering UBC Vancouver directly from high school. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics. (First Award Available in the 2012/13 Winter Session.)
  • 04613 Lawrence ROBERTS Mathematics Entrance Scholarship
    A $1,500 scholarship has been endowed through a bequest by Frances Roberts in honour of her son Lawrence Roberts. The award is offered to a student entering the Mathematics program from a B.C. secondary school outside the Lower Mainland or Greater Victoria. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics in consultation with the Major Entrance Scholarship Committee and is non-renewable.

In Progress Scholarships

  • 04485 Adrian Francis MULLIGAN Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
    A $2,500 scholarship is offered annually by Dr. Gordon Mulligan (B.Sc. 1969, M.A. 1972, Ph.D. 1976) in memory of his father Adrian Francis Mulligan, for an undergraduate student studying Mathematics in the Faculty of Science. Adrian Mulligan resided in Woodfibre and Squamish, BC. He was particularly interested in the applications of mathematics to navigation and industrial design throughout his lifetime. The scholarship is made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics.
  • 04464 Stanley M GRANT Scholarship in Mathematics
    Scholarships totalling $64,250 have been made available through an endowment established by the Estate of Dr. Stanley M Grant for students enrolled in the Department of Mathematics who have completed their first year. Dr. Grant (1924-2015) was a graduate of UBC (BA Arts 49). He went on to obtain his MD with a specialty in Pathology at McGill. Dr. Grant was the District Coroner in Nanaimo, BC for a number of years. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics, and in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. (First Award Available in the 2016/2017 Winter Session)
  • 04465 Anona THORNE and Takao Tanabe Undergraduate Scholarship in Mathematics
    Scholarships totaling $2,500 are offered annually to outstanding undergraduate students having declared a Major or Honours in Mathematics and entering 3rd or 4th year. Anona Thorne (BA 1991 Math; MSc 1993 Stats) is a double alumna of UBC and went on to an interesting career with the CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network at Saint Pauls Hospital in Vancouver. Takao Tanabe, her husband, is a well-known Canadian painter. This award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics. (First Award Available in the 2016/2017 Winter Session)
  • 04309 Daniel BUCHANAN Scholarship in Mathematics
    As a memorial to Daniel Buchanan, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science (1928-1948), and Head of the Department of Mathematics (1920-1948), and in recognition of his teaching and research in Mathematics, Alumni and friends (through the UBC Alumni Fund), together with members of the Department of Mathematics, have endowed a scholarship of $600. It is offered to the student who gains the highest standing in the third year of an Honours Course in Mathematics and proceeds to the final year in that course.
  • 04424 John COLLISON Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
    Scholarships totalling $5,150 have been endowed in memory of John Collison by the Madison Group. The awards are offered to students who are either in the Honours Mathematics Option in any engineering discipline or in the combined Honours Program in Mathematics and Physics. Preference is given to students who participate in UBC varsity sports and/or have a serious interest in aeronautics. Eligible candidates must have completed Mathematics 301 (Applied Analysis) or equivalent. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics. Here is a link to information about John Collison John Collison Tribute
  • 04321 W. H. MACINNES Scholarship in Physics and Mathematics
    A scholarship of $2,300, the gift of Mr. W. H. MacInnes of Vancouver, is offered to the student obtaining highest standing in the second year and proceeding to the combined honours course in Physics and Mathematics.
  • 04438 Reginald PALLISER-WILSON Scholarship
    Scholarships totalling $10,500 have been endowed through a bequest by Joy Gertrude Palmer Helders for students majoring or honouring in Mathematics. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics.
    Note: It is unclear the origin of the name Reginald PALLISER-WILSON but it can be noted that an obituary for Joy Gertrude Palmer Helders referred to her as having submitted a poem to Harpers in 1927 under the pseudonym Daphne Palliser.
  • 04394 Ron Riddell and Roy Douglas Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics.
    Two scholarships of $250 each have been endowed by friends, family and the Math Club (now Undergraduate Mathematics Society) in memory of Ron Riddell and Roy Douglas. One award of $250 is offered to an honours student entering fourth year. The other award of $250 is offered to a majors student entering fourth year. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics.
  • 04363 Ralph D. JAMES Prize
    A prize of $250 has been endowed by friends and colleagues in memory of Professor R. D. James, Head of the Mathematics Department from 1948 to 1973. The award is made on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Mathematics to the student with the highest mark in Mathematics 121.
  • 04415 Larry ROBERTS Science One Memorial Scholarship
    Scholarships totalling $735 have been endowed by family and friends in memory of Larry Roberts for outstanding students who have completed the Science One Program. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Science One teaching team in consultation with the Director of the Science One Program. Preference is given to candidates who have achieved high academic standing and who have embraced the philosophy of the Science One Program, where intellectual growth comes through the expression of creativity and an inquisitive mind.
  • 01303 Lawrence ROBERTS Putnam Prize,
    Funded through a bequest by Frances Roberts in honour of her son Lawrence Roberts. The $250 awards are offered to undergraduate students who finish within the top 200 participants in a Putnam competition. (Recipients are eligible for this award only once.)
  • 00524 Guenther Felix SANDERS Scholarship (requires Affiliation to Knights of Pythias)
    Scholarships totalling $2,200 have been endowed through a bequest from Guenter Felix Sanders for students at the University of British Columbia Vancouver and the University of British Columbia Okanagan who are affiliated with the Knights Pythias in British Columbia and are, preferably, honouring or majoring in mathematics or applied science. Basis of selection is academic standing, but financial need may be a factor. Awards are made on the recommendation of the University in consultation with the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, whose approval is necessary and who are empowered to determine from time to time the amounts and conditions of these awards.

Graduate Student Awards

  • 6753 - Anona Thorne and Takao Tanabe Graduate Entrance Scholarship in Mathematics
    Entrance scholarships totalling $2,500 are offered annually to students entering a graduate program in Mathematics. Anona Thorne (B.A. 91 Math; M.Sc. 93 Stats) is a double alumna of UBC and went on to an interesting career with the CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network at Saint Pauls Hospital in Vancouver. Takao Tanabe, her husband, is a well-known Canadian painter. Financial need may be considered. This award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
  • Some portion of the 04464 Stanley M GRANT Scholarship in Mathematics is allocated to Graduate Students. In 2018W the amount was $10,000.


  • 07822 Ernest G. SHERWOOD Bursary
    Bursaries totalling $7,200 have been endowed from a gift of Ernest G. Sherwood, of Richmond, B.C. The bursaries are provided for students who have satisfactory academic standing and are worthy and deserving of encouragement and support. Preference is given to students in Agriculture or Mathematics.
  • The following is not a bursary under UBC auspices but would be of interest to students pursuing education and it does require an application (eligible students are contacted in September with applications due in October)
    The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Education Award
    The Canadian Federation of University Women, West Vancouver through their Gaming Education Fund is pleased to make available an approximately $1000 Education award to a women student in a field that is underrepresented by women. Criteria include financial need, good citizenship and community involvement, and strong academic record.

Graduation awards

  • 04327 Dr. R.D. James Medal in Mathematics
    This medal recognizes the meritorious service and distinguished achievements of Dr. R.D. James as Head of the Department of Mathematics from 1948-1973. It will be awarded annually to the student in the graduating class whose record and promise in Mathematics are considered by the Department of Mathematics to be the most outstanding.
  • 04358 G.C. Webber memorial Prize
    An annual prize has been established as a memorial to G. C. Webber, through a generous donation from his wife, Eva Webber. The award will be made on the recommendation of the Department, to an outstanding student in Honours Mathematics.
This following award is often awarded to graduating students.
  • 04316 Lorraine Schwartz Prize in Statistics and Probability
    In memory of Lorraine Schwartz, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1960-65, this prize has been established by her friends and colleagues. It will be awarded annually for distinction in the fields of Statistics and Probability to an undergraduate or graduate on the recommendation of the department.

Other Awards
The following award would be of interest to students pursuing Mathematics Education (also see the award CFUW under Bursaries). It is expected that the terms of the awards will be amended to allow a student in the Dual Degree program to be eligible entering the 5th year of their program

  • 01977 UNIVERSITY Women's Club of Vancouver Scholarship in Mathematics Education
    A $2,100 scholarship has been endowed by the University Women's Club of Vancouver Trust Fund for Education for a student entering the Faculty of Education specializing in Mathematics. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Education and in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
