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 Complex Fluids

Our group focuses on applied problems involving fluid dynamics, with a special focus on fluid systems that are non-Newtonian or otherwise complex. Our research group is focused around the complex fluid laboratory, which is shared between the members.

As well as mathematical analysis and computation, the group conducts lab/pilot scale experiments as part of their research, and is well equipped to do so with a large collection of rheometry equipment and expertise in a range of measurement techniques.

Fluid mechanics problems studied by the group include: drop formation in micro-fluidic channels, granular flows, oilfield cementing, roll waves, injection molding, displacement flows, paste extrusion, yield stress fluid flows, sedimentation in complex fluids, mixing, pattern formation, polymer foaming, convective heat transfer, wellbore hydraulics, interfacial dynamics, dambreaks, stratified flows, various problems with hydrodynamic stability, slurry transport, well control, spray forming, self assembly of particles and droplets. A significant part of this work has been industrially driven and/or pursued collaboratively with industrial partners. We are always happy to hear from new sponsors and industrial research collaborators.
